Wizard World Comic Con is in Philadelphia again this year. A couple of the girls I work with at the Haunted Hay Ride were riding the train down so I decided to go with them. I knew I bunch of my friends from Retro Con would be there.
Both girls weren't quite sure what to expect since this was their first comic con. Casie used some latex make-up to add wounds to her face and neck and cosplayed as a Walker (zombie). Big stretch since she works at a hay ride. Here she is with a guy dressed as Darryl. She got stopped for photo ops pretty often.
Monica is a big Transformers fan. She bought almost everything we saw with Soundwave on it. Here she is showing off the Encore Soundwave figure she bought today. She also bought the Decepticon hat she is wearing at the show.
The rest of Monica's Transformer wardrobe came with her to the show. Will there today she bought a Soundwave t-shirt and a hoodie. You can't tell from the photo, but she also wore Transformers pants and a string bag to the show.
After about a half hour Monica told me I needed to be the adult and not let her spend more money on Transformers stuff.
I knew my friends Rose, Tony, Mike, and Jen would all be at the
Retro Con table promoting my favorite con, which is coming up at the end of September in Oaks, PA. Jen and Mike were manning the table when I first spotted them. Unfortunately, the photo is a little fuzzy. From what I saw on Facebook, Jen has been busy buying up all kinds of Strawberry Shortcake items.
I saw a lot of cosplayers this year, but I didn't feel like there were as many crazy, over the top, large costumes as in the past. Here are some Super Megaforce Power Rangers as well as Batman Beyond.
The most drool worthy vintage toy I saw at the show was a Wonder Bread He-Man. The Indiana Jones figures next to him are pretty cool as well.
This chick's costume is an interesting take on a female version of the Green Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger. I really liked this giant Pikachu. He should have been walking around with on of the several sets of Ash and Misty I saw today.
Dick Tracy and Flat-Top kind of surprised me. Seems like an old and forgotten series, but these guys did a great job. Jesus on a dinosaur was one of the weirder costumes I saw today.
Earlier in the day I saw these guys doing a photo shoot outside where there was some scaffolding set up. There were more villains at the photo shoot including Toad and Strife.
I took this issue of Avengers vs X-Men with me. It was previously signed by inker Scott Hanna, but today I got it signed by
Jim Cheung who did the cover. I didn't know that Mike Manley was going to be at the show, but I enjoyed his work on the end of the Knight Fall story lines. Mike basically drew all the issues once Jean Paul Valley turned the Bat-Suit into a suit of armor. I bought a copy of Batman 505 off him, which he signed. It would have been cool to get the copy I already have signed by author Doug Moench but of well.
I got issues #1,2, and 0 of the New 52 Superboy signed by the artist and inker team of RB Silva and Rob Lean. I had to stand in line a while because Mr. Silva was being interviewed while I was in line. I wanted to got New 52 Batman issues #1,2, and 0 signed by Greg Capullo, but his line was outrageous. So I skipped it.
I got to meet animator and director Tom Cook today. He worked on many cartoons including He-Man, Super Friends, and Scooby Doo. I got him to sign this He-Man cel that I have framed.
I really didn't buy much today, but I did find the new DC Multiverse Penguin and Unmasked Batman for $10 a piece. That's Target price and I haven't seen them at Toys R Us or Target here locally. I was happy to buy them at that price. I'll be cracking these open and reviewing them before long.
The final thing I brought how with me is something I didn't buy, although I would have loved to have. My buddies Rose and Tony from Retro Con are lending me their vintage Panthro and Thundertank. What would Tony and I possibly be plotting?