Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What I've Done...

I don't want to delete old post. They draw in new people to the blog. I get a lot of traffic from people looking for things in Google Images. I didn't take the photos and write all this stuff down just to delete it in less than a year.

I have opened a photobucket account which gives me another 2 GB of space. and I will be storing pictures there to use on the blog. It makes posting to the blog more difficult and time consuming. I am considering reducing the size of the images I've use on some past and future posts to help save on space. This is also time consuming. I can't just take the images straight off the camera.  I will probably use less pictures on some of my future posts. This also encourages me to do video reviews, since youtube stores all them for me.


  1. Hope it works out for ya buddy ;)

  2. I just got the same message today. Absolute bummer. I think I'm going to have to buy a google space package.

    1. I am going through my picasa album and cleaning it up. I deleted a few duplicate pictures (this caused some problems - I don't know what happened to my little avatar that should be next to this post) I am also starting to resize some of the photos, but it's time consuming.

    2. Oh, my avatar/thumbnail thing fixed its self, cool!

  3. Just went through and delete a ton of pictures from picasa album and delete a few older post of things i no longer own or wish to revisit at some point so i should be good again for a while.
