Anyway, I put together an SEO Toy Review Christmas Special again this year. Unfortunately it's not a fun live stream like it was in the past. I did get some clips submmisoons from friends like Long's Toys, the Game Chasers, Retro Now, and HoodedCobraCommander788. The Special also features clips from the charity event called Gift For Gamers. I hope you guys enjoy it and have a Happy Holiday Season.
Monday, December 24, 2018
Christmas Time!
Another year is wrapping up and I've been bad about posting videos on my YouTube channel for the past six months, but I have been horrible about blogging. I really do apologize to any of the regular readers of Action Figure Adventures. I used to write in-depth descriptions of toys in my collection and post some pretty decent photos of action figures. Lately I've just been posting links to videos as SEO Toy Review took off. I've been distracted due to stuff in my personal life and the channel hasn't had the growth it had in the past. This is all combined with a little bit of what I call "toy depression". Since the closing of Toys R Us, I have found it harder to get excited about new releases or to even find them.
Anyway, I put together an SEO Toy Review Christmas Special again this year. Unfortunately it's not a fun live stream like it was in the past. I did get some clips submmisoons from friends like Long's Toys, the Game Chasers, Retro Now, and HoodedCobraCommander788. The Special also features clips from the charity event called Gift For Gamers. I hope you guys enjoy it and have a Happy Holiday Season.
Anyway, I put together an SEO Toy Review Christmas Special again this year. Unfortunately it's not a fun live stream like it was in the past. I did get some clips submmisoons from friends like Long's Toys, the Game Chasers, Retro Now, and HoodedCobraCommander788. The Special also features clips from the charity event called Gift For Gamers. I hope you guys enjoy it and have a Happy Holiday Season.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
GI Joe Collectors Club FSS 8.0 Tan Clutch and Red Laser
Today Kevin and Baby Skeletor take a look at two GI Joe Collectors Club Exclusive Figures Tan Clutch and Red Laser. There figures are the first two figures from Figure Subscription Service (FSS) 8.0
Friday, December 7, 2018
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Christmas Toy Memories 1988
At Christmas time 1988 I had never seen the Ninja Turtles cartoon, but I wanted the action figures so bad. At school I pretended to be a Ninja Turtles with other kids at recess. The other kids had seen the show and taught me ALL about it! Unfortunately I was a little confused.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Don't Rock the Boat (Game) by Play Monster
Don't Rock the Boat is a really fun balancing game by Play Monster. If you are looking for a gift idea for a young person... or for a white elephant gift exchange you can't go wrong. Erica and Kevin from SEO Toy Review had a blast trying not to rock the boat.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
The Ultimate Guide to GI Joe: 1982-1994 3rd Edition Review
Today Kevin takes a look at the 3rd Edition of Mark Bellomo's Ultimate Guide to GI Joe. This hard cover book features photos of all the GI Joe action figures, accessories, and vehicles released between 1982 and 1994. This book really is a record of pop culture.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Marvel Legends X-Men Storm
Marvel Legends X-Men Storm action figure review. Happy Halloween everybody. I know this review isn't very seasonal, but it was time to post about this awesome Storm figure.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Marvel Legends Psylocke
Today we are taking a look at the Marvel Legends Psylocke. This is another X-Men character in their classic 90's outfit. Psyocke is part of the X-Men: Apocalypse Build-A-Figure wave.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Retro Con 2018 Vlog (ft. Pixel Dan)
Retro Con has come an gone once again. What a great convention! Tons of toy vendors, YouTuber Guests, 80's Cartoon Voice Actors, and the Cybertronic Spree (Transformers Band).Check out our Con Vlog to see all the fun we had at Retro Con 2018. Special thanks once again to Rose and Tony for organizing such a great show.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Marvel Legends Black Suit Spider-Man
Marvel Legends Black Suit Spider-Man is part of the Spider-Man wave that featured the Sandman build-a-figure. This is a classic costume update that eventually spawned one of Spider-Man's most popular villains.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Retro Con 2018 Stop Motion Animated Commercial
It's finally done, just a few days before the con! The Retro Con 2018 Stop Motion Animated Commercial. This year the good guys are going to be proactive in stopping the villains from attacking the Convention Center. Special thanks to Celebrity Guests who provided voices: Garry Chalk as Optimus Primal, Gregg Berger as Grimlock, Larry Kenney as Lion-O, and Pixel Dan as Skeletor and the Announcer.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
GI Joe Collectors Club FSS 7.0: Jinx, Hollow Point, Stalker
The final three figures from the GI Joe Collector's Club Figure Subscription Service 7.0 have arrived. Tiger Force Jinx, Hollow Point, and Sgt. Stalker are here. Check out the video review below.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
GI Joe Collectors Club FSS 7 - Crystal Ball & Tomax
More GI Joe Collectors Club Exclusive figures have arrived! This shipment includes Crystal Ball and Tomax. One is pretty good, the other is only okay. Check out the review to find out my thoughts in more detail.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
SEO Toy Review 4th Anniversary Special
It's SEO Toy Review's 4th Anniversary! Time to celebrate some of the best moments from the past year and from before that. I've put a lot of time and effort into SEO and I know that the Action Figure Adventures blog has suffered because of it... but I really enjoy making the videos. I hope you guys enjoy the Anniversary Special.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
DC Multiverse Batgirl & Robin
Sorry about taking last week off. I needed a break from making content for personal reasons, but not I'm back! Today we are taking a look at the DC Multiverse Batgirl and Robin figures from the King Shark Build-A-Figure wave.
Friday, July 27, 2018
GI Joe: Cobra-La 3-Pack - Cobra Convergence III
Today I posted my contribution to a GI Joe Collector Community effort called Cobra Convergence III. Fellow YouTuber, Hooded Cobra Commander 788 got a much of GI Joe fans to create videos in the month of July based on the theme Underrated Villains. I review the Cobra-La 3-Pack from 1987. This pack contains Golobulus the ruler of Cobra-La. Nemesis Enforcer his right-hand-man and body guard. As well as the Royal Guard who are the foot solders of the Cobra-La army.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
GI Joe FSS 7.0 Dusty & Sandstorm and Dreadnok Kaos
Time to review the next shipment of Figure Subscription Service 7.0 figures from the GI Joe Collector's Club. We've got Dusty & Sandstorm and the Dreadnok Kaos.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Top 5 Masters of the Universe figures of 1986
Today's video counts down the Top 5 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Figures released in 1986. There were a lot of great figures released in 1986 including Flying Fist He-Man and Terror Claw Skeletor. Who's your favorite figure from the 2nd to last year of the line?
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
GI Joe FSS 7.0 Treadmark & Ice Viper Officer
Time to start reviewing the GI Joe Collector's Club Figure Subscription Service 7.0. We've got two vehicle drivers in this installment of FSS 7.0, Treadmark (Skidmark) and Ice Viper Officer. What do you guys think of these updates?
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Mike Matei shows us his He-Man Action Figures
Mike Matei shows us his He-Man action figures. If you're a fan of He-Man and Skeletor you'll enjoy Kevin and Mike discussing lots of vintage Masters of the Universe figures. Let us know if you enjoy these videos because we are considering filming more episodes.
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Garden State Comic Fest Vlog
I went to Garden State Comic Fest with my friend Erica. We got to meet some awesome people involved in the Sunbow and DIC GI Joe cartoons. There were lots of great comic vendors and artists. It would have been nice if there were a few more toy vendors. The cosplay community was out in full force for this show. I hope you enjoy Erica's First Comic Con Vlog.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Voltron Hyper-Phase Legendary Lion Assortment
It looks like Playmates Toys is releasing the new Hyper-Phase Voltron as a San Diego Comic Con exclusive. The five robotic lines that combine to form the Legendary Defender, Voltron are all new a come with additional weapons as well as lights and sounds housed in the Black Lion.
With the help of Pricess Allura and her connection to the Quintessence the lions get upgraded weapons and we get some upgraded toys. Each lion is fully articulated, armed with a unique projectile launcher, and can combine to form a 16" Voltron. As you work your way thought the sequence of combining all the lions you can hear up to 50 sounds! Pretty impressive. Plus the new super charged look of Voltron is pretty awesome.
The Voltron Hyper-Phase Legendary Lion Assortment will run 129.99 and will be available at the Entertainment Earth booth at SDCC.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018
GI JoeCon 2018 Haul Video
If you checked out my GI Joe Convention Vlog and wondered what I purchases at the con, today's video will answer that. JoeCon Haul video shows off all the vintage and modern GI Joe figures and merchandise I picked up at the show. GI JoeCon 2018 was the last JoeCon being put on by FunPub and the GI Joe Collector's Club.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
GI JoeCon 2018 Vlog
Hey, I got to go the last GI JoeCon with a bunch of my friends. I put together a JoeCon 2018 Vlog so you can check out all the stuff we did at the Con. I plan to release a haul video as well as reviews of some of the exclusives so check back for more JoeCon coverage.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
GI Joe Slaughter's Marauders
We are getting close to the final Joe Con and I've been posting GI Joe reviews featuring the Slaughter's Marauders on SEO Toy Review lately. As a kid I was a huge fan of Sgt. Slaughter and I thought it was pretty cool that he had his own sub-team of GI Joe members. Since the theme of this years GI Joe Collector's Convention is Slaughter's Marauders vs Python Patrol, I'm reviewing the heroes that inspired a lot of the Con Exclusives.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Vintage Toy Haul
Time for another Vintage Toy Haul. Today's video features Secret Wars, Star Wars, Visionaries, Masters of the Universe, and a lot of GI Joe Vehicles. What do you think is the best item I picked up?
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Pee-Wee Herman Funko Pop Vinyl fgures
Funko was cool enough to send over a set of Pee-Wee Herman Pop Vinyl figures for me to check out. I'm so glad to see Pee-Wee getting some fun merchandise again. The 80's show was so much fun and I just was really excited to get to check these figures out. See the video review below. The set includes Pee-Wee, Miss Yvonne, Chairry & Petrri.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Flea Market Finds - Toy Biz X-Men
Last weekend I went to a community yard sale in the neighborhood one of my best friends lived in when were were in high school and college. I met up with a couple buddies and my friend's parents house and we walked around. It wasn't a real great sale... mostly house hold junk, but there was one person selling some Toy Biz X-Men figures. Check out my haul in the video below.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Rosanne (sitcom) Canceled.
As a kid growing up in a blue color house I always enjoyed the show Rosanne. The family on the show was way crazier and more dysfunctional than my own, but I for some reason related to the show. The Mom taking care of the kid while the Dad was out working with his hands or hiding in the garage. My own Mother despised the show because she never liked Rosanne's crude humor and would probably bring up the time Rosanne screamed the National Anthem if I were to mention the comedian to her today.
I always enjoyed the cast, especially the Dad. I don't know if it was his role on Rosanne or his early 90's films (Matinee, King Ralph, The Babe) that made him one of my favorite actors, but I love John Goodman. As I got older John Goodman kept popping up in movies I loved, especially the Cohen Brother's films.
I watched the original run very faithfully through season seven. At that point I was in middle school and I guess distracted by other shows and had other things to do. I'm kind of glad I missed out on a lot of the crazy stuff when the show "jumped the shark" at the end.
When ABC announced the show was coming back with the original cast and they were retconning some stuff from the end of the series I was very excited. I've watch the recent season and really enjoyed it. Just as I have enjoyed re-watching old seasons over the years. Unfortunately when I got home from work today and jumped online I found out the 2nd season of the relaunch has been canceled due to racist tweets sent by Rosanne. Proving my Mom right once again that Rosanne is crude and not funny. I'll miss the new version of the show and I wish the cast and crew good luck with the next step in their careers. I know John Goodman will land on his feet, but many of the other actors are far less marketable and a steady gig was great for them.
It is interesting that we live in a world were you can publish your thoughts to millions of people with a couple clicks... and sometimes there are consequences for what you say.
I always enjoyed the cast, especially the Dad. I don't know if it was his role on Rosanne or his early 90's films (Matinee, King Ralph, The Babe) that made him one of my favorite actors, but I love John Goodman. As I got older John Goodman kept popping up in movies I loved, especially the Cohen Brother's films.
I watched the original run very faithfully through season seven. At that point I was in middle school and I guess distracted by other shows and had other things to do. I'm kind of glad I missed out on a lot of the crazy stuff when the show "jumped the shark" at the end.
When ABC announced the show was coming back with the original cast and they were retconning some stuff from the end of the series I was very excited. I've watch the recent season and really enjoyed it. Just as I have enjoyed re-watching old seasons over the years. Unfortunately when I got home from work today and jumped online I found out the 2nd season of the relaunch has been canceled due to racist tweets sent by Rosanne. Proving my Mom right once again that Rosanne is crude and not funny. I'll miss the new version of the show and I wish the cast and crew good luck with the next step in their careers. I know John Goodman will land on his feet, but many of the other actors are far less marketable and a steady gig was great for them.
It is interesting that we live in a world were you can publish your thoughts to millions of people with a couple clicks... and sometimes there are consequences for what you say.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Cameo on Natztalgic's Flea Market Adventure
My Flea Market friend Naz asked me to show off my pick ups in his Flea Market Adventure video. The video clip should start right were I come into the video, but make sure you check out everybody else's pick ups as well. I even made the thumbnail.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Super Friends Superman - DC Multiverse
Super Friends Superman from the DC Multiverse line by Mattel. This Superman mold has been released a couple times now. A great looking action figure with a cloth cape. He makes me think of the Kenner Super Powers lines, but his package specifically mentions the Super Friends cartoon.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Power Rangers Zeo Legacy Golden Power Staff
I finally found a Power Rangers Zeo Legacy Golden Power Staff. This role play weapon is based on the staff used by the sixth Ranger from Power Rangers Zeo. The Legacy Collection Golden Power Staff is a Toys R Us Exclsive. Check out the review below.
Friday, May 4, 2018
GI Joe: Cobra Commander 1982 & 1983
Today we are looking at the 1982 Straight Arm Cobra Commander and 1983 Swivel Arm Cobra Commander. This video covers the Mickey Mouse Cobra Commander variant as well. Did you mail away for Cobra Commander as a kid? Check out the video below.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Vintage Toy Show Haul - GI Joe, Ninja Turtles, Star Wars & more
Vintage Toy Show Haul - GI Joe, Ninja Turtles, Star Wars & more. I went to a toy show in Delaware with Nick, Mike, Rose and Tony. While were were their we meet up with other friends and bought some fun toys. Check out my haul in the video below.
Friday, April 27, 2018
GI Joe: Grunt 1982 & 1983
Today's video features Grunt the GI Joe Infanty Trooper from 1982 & 1983. Grunt came with a helmet, backpack, and rifle. He's a basic figure but was a great starting point for the GI Joe toy line. Check out my video review below.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
GI Joe Collectors Club Rock 'n Roll
Rock 'n Roll is the final Membership Exclusive figure from the GI Joe Collector's Club. This modern figures is inspired by Rock 'n Roll v2 from the 80's and 90's Real American Hero line. He's not my favorite subscription exclusive figure ever, but check out my review below.
Friday, April 20, 2018
GI Joe Trader PX Meet Up Vlog & Haul Video
The GI Joe Trader PX Facebook group hosted a Meet Up last weekend. I traveled to the show with my buddy Nick. We had a great time hanging out, trading toys, buying toys, and talking GI Joe. Below is a vlog and haul video from the trip.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Dreadnok Ground Assault 4WD w/ Heartwrencher
As the GI Joe Collector's Club wraps up it's final year we are still getting so many exclusive toys. Today we are taking a look at the Dreadnok Ground Assault 4WD with Heartwrencher. This is a modern version of a classic vehicle with an all new action figure of a newer character who never got an action figure. This is a fun thing for the club to release and I'm glad I picked it up. Check out the review below.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Top 5 Masters of the Universe figures from 1985
Time for another Top 5 List! We are counting down the best five Masters of the Universe action figures released in 1985. This was a pretty strong year for the line and offered a new version of He-Man, Skeletor, several new Heroic and Evil Masters as well and the new villains the Horde.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Power Rangers Toy Haul
I recently picked up a bunch of Power Rangers actin figures at WACS Toys in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Lots of fun stuff here from Lost Galaxy, Dino Thunder, SPD, and more. Check out the video below to see my entire haul!
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
GI Joe Collectors Club FSS 6.0 Windmill, Ghost Rider & 13th Figure
This episode of Action Figure Adventures features the last three Modern GI Joe figures from the Collector Club's FSS 6.0. This batch features two GI Joe pilots and the Mystery 13th figures for this Subscription Service. Both pilots are decent modern figures, even if I totally despise the vintage figure of one of these two characters. The 13th figure is nice, but not super exciting.
Friday, March 30, 2018
Voltron Legendary Defender Paladins
Ryan and I take a look at the Voltron Legendary Defender Paladin figures. Shiro, Lance, and Keith are the first three Voltron Pilots to be released by Playmates Toys. These figures have been very hard to find, so Ryan finally ordered them online.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Vintage Toy Show Haul - TMNT, Voltron. GI Joe
Vintage Toy Haul. This episode of Action Figure Adventures features a bunch of great stuff I picked up at a toy show a while back. This haul video has been on the back burner for a while, but I'm glad I finally got to show them off.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1/4 Scale Michelangelo - NECA Toys
Michelangelo from Neca Toys 1/4 Scale line of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This is an enormous and highly detailed figure. The sculpt and paint work on this figure is incredible. With the right lighting you could photograph this figure and people would assume the photos was taken on set for the 90's TMNT motion picture.
Friday, March 16, 2018
Transformers vs GI Joe KidRobot Vinyl Figure Blind Boxes
Unboxing a full case of Transformers vs GI Joe vinyl figure blind boxes by Kid Robot. I got so see these stylized figures at New York Toy Fair and KidRobot was nice enough to hook me up with a case to review! Lots of fun characters in a funky style based on the recent IDW crossover comic series.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
NJCC March 2018 Vintage Toy Haul
Time for another Toy Show Haul. I went to NJCC over the weekend with some friends. I bought some GI Joe, Extreme Ghostbusters, and Kenner Robocop toys at the New Jersey Collectors Convention. Check out all the cool vintage toys I picked up in the video below.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Pre Toy Fair Vlog
I recorded the adventure that was the day before Toy Fair. This Vlog includes my thoughts on the Bandai/Saban splint dealing with Power Rangers and some general shenanigans around New York City.
Monday, February 19, 2018
New York Toy Fair 2018 Funko Booth Tour
The SEO Toy Review crew got a great tour of the New York Toy Fair Booth. So many fun collectibles. I've very excited for the Savage World Thundercats. These will be figures like Lion-O done in the style of the old He-Man figures. Lots of new Pops to check out as well. Rainbow Brite, Mr. Rodgers, and Weird Al were some highlights for me personally.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
New York Toy Fair 2018 Coverage
Hey I'm at Toy Fair looking at Toys!
Super7 makes the modern He-Man & The Masters of the Universe figures as well as ReAction figures for tons of brands.
GI Joe Super Deformed Vinyl Figures by What Not Toys.
Wicked Cool Toys now has the Master Toy Licence for Pokemon. My friends and I got to be a little silly on this one.
Hot Wheels Rocket League R/C Set. Now you can play the popular video game in the real life.
Super7 makes the modern He-Man & The Masters of the Universe figures as well as ReAction figures for tons of brands.
GI Joe Super Deformed Vinyl Figures by What Not Toys.
Wicked Cool Toys now has the Master Toy Licence for Pokemon. My friends and I got to be a little silly on this one.
Hot Wheels Rocket League R/C Set. Now you can play the popular video game in the real life.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
ZoloCon Toy Show - Vintage Toy Haul
Zolocon Toy Show Vintage Toy Haul. Some friends and I meet up at Zolocon to look around and buy some action figures. Today's video shows off what I bought, including Captain Planet, Thundercats, Bucky O'Hare, Power Rangers, GI Joe and more. Check it out.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Toy Fair is Coming - A Package from Mattel
New York Toy Fair is Coming! As a little teaser, Mattel sent me a package of goodies saying they can't wait to see the SEO Toy Review crew at Toy Fair. I should be posting some cool videos from New York Toy Fair starting Saturday February 17th. We will be filming all day so check out Twitter ( @ActionFigureAdv ) or Instagram ( SEOToyReview ) for updates during the day as I get a chance to post them. Then in the evening I should have videos on youtube.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Vintage Ninja Turtles Haul
Today's episode of Action Figure Adventures features a vintage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles haul. I picked up a box of figures from a local group on Facebook. So check out all the fun figures I picked up.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Flea Market Finds - Power Rangers, MASK, Ghostbusters
What a mix of vintage toys I picked up in this Flea Market Finds video. Ghostbusters, Power Rangers, X-Men, MASK, and GI Joe. I can't wait for the weather to warm up, should make hunting easier.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
GI Joe Collectors Club FSS 6.0 Cobra Officer & Rampart
Today's AFA video is a review of the GI Joe Collectors Club FSS 6.0 (Female) Cobra Officer and Rampart. This Cobra Officer is from the Night Stalkers unit that came out of a JoeCon exclusive set almost a decade ago. Rampart is based on the 90's action figure of the same name.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Top 5 He-Man & the Masters of the Universe figures from 1982
Top 5 He-Man & the Masters of the Universe figures released in 1982. I will be putting together a list of my Top 5 figures from each year of the Masters of the Universe toyline. Check out my favorites from the initial year of release.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Flea Market Finds - Power Rangers, He-Man and More
Hey, it's Wednesday! Time for some Flea Market Finds. We've got some new Power Rangers, He-Man, and more. Check it out.
Friday, January 5, 2018
Kenner Star Wars: Vintage Han Solo
Time to take a look at the vintage Han Solo figure from Kenner's Star Wars toyline. This figure is based on A New Hope. There were two versions of Han, "small head" and "big head", we will be taking a look at both.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Flea Market Finds - Power Rangers, Marvel Comics, & Fisher-Price
Time for some vintage toys Flea Market Finds. I picked this toys up back when the weather was a little nicer, but I hadn't had the time to film this episode of Flea Market Finds until now.Hope you enjoy!
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