Friday, July 25, 2014

2015 Club Eternia Sub Video

Once again on the Friday of SDCC I'm releasing a stop motion animated video to help promote the Masters of the Universe Classics Subscription. I hope everyone enjoys it, and if you are into the Classics line I don't think 2015 will disappoint.

If you missed any of the previous videos here are some links below.


  1. This is the last offical year of classics isn't?

    1. Yeah, the last official year. They will still be making figures but packing them in different boxes with a different "brand name". DC Universe Classics changed to Signature Collection.

    2. So does this mean more different characters or redos of old ones?

    3. Could mean anything. If it's like DC they will keep making different characters, but it could allow for re-releases or new paint decos of older characters.

  2. Or maybe they'll put out some figures fans can afford. Or a retail release for kids so MOTU can grow. Nah, who am I kidding. This line is for sucking the blood out of the older fans. Screw the new ones!
